Monday 28 September 2009


One of the first things you notice about the front cover of this magazine is the title. ‘Evolve’ is an effective name for such a magazine as people would say that within a person’s life they ‘evolve’ most within their schooling years, going from childhood to adulthood in a short period of time. It is also a short and sharp name so will be easily remembered.
The school, George Stephenson High School, publishes this magazine and do so three times a year, at the end of each term. Students at the school are encouraged to get involved with the magazine and submit articles or even just ideas for articles.
The target audience of this magazine is obviously the students who attend George Stephenson High School. However, if someone was to be unaware that this is a school magazine (for example if the sign at the very top of the front cover wasn’t there) then it would still be easy to know who the target audience age group was by the pictures, colours and fonts used on the front cover. The pictures relate to articles issued within the magazine and these are all normally student related. The fonts are big and bold, so are eye-catching and attractive. They are also consistent which shows an air of professionalism, so students will take the magazine seriously. The colours used on the front cover of the magazine are bright and shocking which appeals to the target audience as it evokes a sense of youth.
The magazine’s presentation does look cheap in comparison to high street magazines, but as they are only for the school students and not the general public it is not that much of an issue. The target age group are of an age that they would not care too much about the presentation of magazines, but more of the content inside and if it interests them. 

The three pictures included in this analysis are previous front covers of the Evolve magazine. 

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